On the outskirts of Brussels, in the historic city of Waterloo, it was asked to transform an existing townhouse from the 19th century into a contemporary pharmacy. There was also a narrow alleyway connecting the main boulevard (front side) to an adjacent street (in the back): initially however, to enforce the private nature of the property, the alleyway was fenced off and totally closed to circulation.
The architects first proposed to open the alley way to the public and to build a small playground towards the front. A space to place bicycles towards the back of the lot was also proposed. These small interventions encourage the building to participate to its neighboring context.
Secondly, the site offered the possibility to extend the building on the ground floor. A glass façade literally curves around the entire bottom floor offering a perfect interaction between the inside and the outside. Finally, on the top floors of the pharmacy is a small unit where the pharmacist can rest during the night-shifts.